Welcome to the World of TransWorld Development Initiatives
The Next-of–Kin® Initiatives
Philosophy: The Next-of-Kin Initiatives is a volunteer-based program intended to help comfort suffering people in our community through genuine friendship.

Principles of the Next-of–Kin® Initiatives:

  1. NOK offers friendship by visits and understanding to all individuals in need at all times especially in nursing homes, shelters, hospitals, residences within our community.
  2. Knowing that all need love and support, we reach out to those who feel alone and abandoned.
  3. NOK reaches out to all in need across artificial barriers of religion, race, economic class, or ethnic group.
  4. We espouse no specific religious or philosophical ideology.
  5. We support our activities through voluntary contributions and assess no dues or fees to our members.
  6. We do not participate in legislative or political controversy.
  7. We express individual views on controversial subjects with respect and consideration for those who may disagree with us.
  8. We treat what is said at visits as confidential and what we learn about each other as privileged information.
  9. We do not offer professional psychotherapy or counseling. We seek the support of the professional community but do not depend upon it for supervision or formal guidance. We welcome the opportunity to share with the professional community what we have learned about the needs of our friends.
  10. NOK chapters belong to their members; however we have learned that it is often easier and more effective to provide program materials and educational services and training by working together at the national or regional level than to work alone. We acknowledge our responsibility to support our local and national goals by contributing what we can of our time, our talent and our resources.

Our Approach:

Train new counselors known as Next-of-Kin who can help emotionally burdened people based on the principles of  the program.

Procedures for Participations:

To apply for these services, please send a letter containing the following information:

Volunteers seeking to be Next-of-Kin:

(i)                                    Name
(ii)                                   Sex
(iii)                                  Age
(iv)                                   Nationality
(v)                                    Contact Address
(vi)                                   Phone Number(s)
(vii)                                  Fax Number(s)
(viii)                                 E-mail address
(ix)                                   Education
(x)                                    Professional specialization
(xi)                                   Date of intended availability


      Establishments seeking for participation:

(i)                                 Name
(ii)                                Sex
(iii)                               Age
(iv)                                Nationality
(v)                                 Contac Address
(vi)                                Phone Number(s)
(vii)                               Fax Number(s)
(viii)                              E-mail address
(ix)                                Name of establishment
(x)                                 Name of individual responsible for the Next-of-Kin program.
(xi)                                Number of residents available for participation.


All materials should be sent to:


Next-of-Kin Initiatives
TransWorld Development Initiatives, Inc.
P.O. Box 105
Brentwood, MD 20722-1506
Phone: (301) 793-7551
Fax:     (301) 779-8892
E-mail: info@transworldforum.org
 Copyright © 2005. Transworld Forum, Inc.